Next Level Tips - the podcast

Welcome to my new podcast Next Level Tips - at the intersection of science, business, and elite performance, two-time Olympian in beach volleyball Lina Taylor and her guests deliver short, actionable tips to take your career, business and life to the next level.

What I’ve learned about setting and achieving big goals from being a two-time Olympian and leadership coach, working with some of the biggest companies in the world, boils down to this: making a choice in a defining moment. 

What allows us to make the RIGHT choice - so that we get from where we are to where we want to be in our lives, in our career, in our relationships - are a set of skills that can be learned

These skills - and the pivotal moments where we use them - are what I will be talking about in this podcast with world-renowned leaders in business, science, and elite sports.

The skills fall in 5 major categories that you will easily remember with the acronym ‘CLOSE’ - how do we ‘close the gap’ between where we are and where we want to be, which is the main leadership program I teach to leading companies from around the world.

#1 C - stands for CLARITY - how do we get really clear on what we want to do and why is that so important to us. This is our ‘purpose’ - how do you connect to that deeper part of you that infuses meaning into everything you do. Much of the mental health issues we’re seeing in the world today are due to our disconnection from that deep purpose and here, we’ll explore how to repair and re-build that bridge.

#2 L - stands for having Laser-sharp focus - how do you break down big, complex tasks (like qualifying for the Olympics) into small achievable steps that put you in alignment with your higher purpose and allow you to take action versus being stuck and feeling like you’re standing on the sidelines of your own life.

#3 O - stands for Overcoming Obstacles and turning them into Opportunities: challenges are inevitable, and I want to show you how you can use the very obstacle to propel you forward.

#4 S - stands for Shifting for Growth: as you face an obstacle, the awareness you gain and the learning that takes place can lead you to Shift and grow in 3 different ways - persevere and stay the course, pivot and make a chance, or let go of something entirely and walk towards your higher destiny.

#5 E - stands for Encoding this mindset through a set of skills that will allow you to transform even the most dire circumstances.

My goal is to highlight and explain these skills through stories and examples - mine and other people’s - so that everyone feels empowered to make their next big leap forward. 

Because it wasn’t until I finally dared to take a chance on myself and show up, even when I was being denied opportunities, that I was able to create the life I’ve always dreamed of - I believe in sharing the skills that ordinary people with ordinary abilities, like myself and my guests, use to achieve extraordinary results.

Join me on this journey and subscribe to Next Level Tips. 

Thank you.


Lina Taylor with Beth A. Brooke on pivotal moments and the role of sponsorship in career success


How Science Helped Me Qualify for the Olympics